Open Your Eyes – Outdoor Art Education

A major culminating project of 2023 was the  “Open Your Eyes” Art Project.  In the fall of 2023, Ashburnham Memorial Stewardship Group entered into a project with Kaawaate East City Public School to offer outdoor art education for twenty-five grade 7 & 8 students. The project encouraged students to learn more about the natural habitat, history and cultural importance of Ashburnham Memorial Park.   Students were led by AMSG volunteers for a guided hike, then led in art activities and the techniques of “en plein air” painting with local artist- educator Laurel Paluck. Students shared their experiences and many of these students now see Ashburnham Memorial Park with “new eyes”.

On December 20, the Peterborough Museum & Archives hosted a public reception and art show of the students’ work with artist statements, a slideshow and refreshments. 150 museum visitors attended the display over the week-long run of the show.

We thank the funding partners in this project: The City of Peterborough and  United Way  Peterborough and District. Acknowledgements go out to our partners: The Peterborough Museum & Archives and Kaawaate East City Public School.

Thanks for the support!