- AMSG is always happy to meet new people and hear new ideas. If you have questions, ideas or concerns please email us at: ashburnhamstewardship@gmail.com
- Add to our Ashburnham Memorial Park Project on iNaturalist – if you are in the park birdwatching or feeling curious about a plant or tree you can use the iNaturalist App on your phone to identify a photo and submit it to the AMP project
- Do you enjoy volunteering? Send us an email and we will add you to our volunteer database for upcoming events
- Fill out our Survey here: https://forms.gle/SQEMNCBP1M5hKbCh9
- Take the O’de Piitaanemaan pledge: https://thekawarthas.ca/pledge/
- Volunteer at our next garbage cleanup
- WE ARE CURRENTLY SEEKING NEW STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBERS – are you passionate about Ashburnham Memorial Park and willing to commit to a minimum of 1 year of volunteer committee work? We meet 1x month (virtually) and take July and August off. Please email us if you are interested!